Saturday, October 13, 2007

Lacy meets the family...

Lacy went walking with me Thursday. We went to mom's work to walk and played ball while we were there. She enjoyed exploring, but was so funny when she decided that she was ready for us to go home. She would take the ball and put it in front of the truck. Then when I would start around the track again she would stop and just look at me, like I can't believe you are going around this thing again. She loves for you to throw the ball, then when she brings it back, she likes to stand on her back legs with her front paws on your arm. I think she thinks she is human. She also likes to be carried. Me carrying her is a funny site, but today Brook had her carrying her around. Brook is 11 and probably 85 pounds and Lacy is almost as big as she is. The girls met Lacy last night. It was late, but she was excited to see them and gave them a nice warm welcome before going to the kennel for the night. She loved them and they loved her. We had a hard time keeping Lacy out of the house today. She is just too smart. Mama bought her some new toys yesterday. She has had a good time playing with them. She has done a great job of staying on her leader the past few days. I try and let her off as much as possible so that she doesn't feel the need to escape. Tonight, when we got home from our adventures, I let her off before putting her in the kennel. I was checking my email and I heard something, she was trying to get in the kennel. That girl was ready for bed. I guess that's enough for now. Mama was telling daddy about the daily adventures Lacy gives us. My daddy was laughing about her escaping and me getting so dirty. They are obviously enjoying this!

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